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Religions and How Many Gods Are There?

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There are many questions about religions and how many gods there are. There is Hinduism and Christianity as well as Islam and Judaism. All religions have different gods but they all worship the same God. This article will examine some of these religions, and their gods.


In the Hindu religion, there are many gods. Many of them are minor gods that are assimilated into a central pantheon. Hanuman, for example is a god who appears as Rama's assistant in the Ramayana during the siege to Lanka. He is Parvati's eldest son. Another important god is Ganesha, an elephant-headed god who is the remover of obstacles. His worship is performed at the beginning of any major undertaking.


Islam teaches that there are many gods, including angels and men. These immortal beings are the link that connects God and humanity. They sent messengers like the angel Gabriel to relay God's message for the prophet Muhammad. As such angels are immune to unbelief.

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Judaism can be described as a world religion that worships God. The Jews believed God and made a promise to him to keep his laws. Jewish people follow the law in its entirety, but try to do the best thing for God. Holiness is an integral part of Jewish religious life. This means that they seek to glorify God by honoring his work.


Christians claim the Bible only refers to one God. But some believe the Bible is filled with multiple gods. This common misconception is widespread. The Bible doesn't say that there are three gods, it simply says that God exists in three persons. Some Christians may even pretend there are 3 gods.


Sikhs believe there are many gods that help us live our daily lives. They are all different and believe that everyone's actions have an effect on the next. The Sikh belief system also has a very strong emphasis on doing good deeds after death. Today there are approximately 700,000 Sikhs living in America. Most of them come from India. Sikhs in America usually worship at a Gurdwara on Sunday. However, there are formal services on Wednesday and Friday.


Buddhism is known in the West as an "atheistic" religion, but this does not mean that it is devoid of deities. Instead, Buddhism holds that there are many gods who help people in their daily lives. These deities may be a combination of countless forces in nature, but they all serve a purpose in the Buddhist worldview.

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Polytheism can be described as a tolerant form religion. It allows the existence of multiple gods. Many cultures throughout history have worshiped many gods. Exodus says that ancient Egyptians worshipped thousands, and so did many other religions.


Religions and How Many Gods Are There?