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Aztec Religion

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The Aztec religion is one of the most ancient in Mesoamerica. The Aztec gods are facing in different directions to see the sunrise. Quetzalcoatl is facing east. The Sun rises to the east, and it sways from one side to the other. Ecatl, the wind god, receives a huge sacrifice in the morning. After the great sacrifice, the wind god puts the sun into motion.

Religion of Ancient Mesoamericans

The gods were a key part of Ancient Mesoamerican religion. A regular part of rituals was the offering and sacrifice of humans. These societies had a complex priestly hierarchy. The architectural pattern for building temples was the same, with pyramids on top that were truncated and containing sanctuaries. Religion also included a shared worldview, and the use spatial symbols.

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Aztec gods were depicted as many different creatures depending on their function. Many were revered for their violent tendencies, but others were more benign and positive. Mictlantecuhtli, for example, was the Aztec god death. After being sacrificed as an infant, the Aztecs believed she had fallen into the underworld. Miclantecuhtl, another Aztec God of Death, was her bride. Mictlantecuhtli had a graphic appearance, with a wide mouth and a necklace of eyeballs.


Sacrifices were an important part in Aztec religion. They were used to increase status and income. The Aztec religion depended on tributes from conquered areas, and human sacrifices were a necessary part of the process. Higher status and higher places in society were granted to those who are considered the greatest warriors. They were also given special clothes and weapons by the Emperor. These rewards were acknowledged by the entire Aztec society.

Sacred fire

Aztec religion valued sacred fire. They believed that the entire world was made up three levels. These included the earth, the underworld, and the heavens. The Templo Mayor (Temple of the Mayor), which was the heart of the system that linked the three realms, was the Templo Mayor. The heavenly domain was the realm where the gods reside, while underworld is the realm of human beings.


Tlaloc, the Aztec god of rain, is represented in many ways in Aztec religious practice. These depictions of the rain god are not always consistent. Tlaloc can be seen in many places and forms, including caves, mountaintops, and even in the sky. Tlaloc might be depicted with various items that symbolise the fertility of earth. Tlaloc might also be associated with land animals in some depictions, such as a jaguar.

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Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of the Aztecs, is associated with many myths. One myth depicts the serpent-headed god as being the ruler of Tollan, a myth most people are familiar with. But historians disagree on the historical accuracy. Some historians actually question the historical accuracy a lot of Quetzalcoatl myths.


Aztec Religion