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Indonesian Culture Facts

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Indonesian culture includes a variety of religions. The majority of the central Java region is Muslim. It is possible to find Islamic and Christian universities right next to each other. Tourists love to visit Hindu temples like Borobudur. Indonesians are proud of their strong family traditions.


Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia. Indonesian Muslims are predominantly Sunni, with approximately 3% Shia Muslims, mostly in Jakarta, and 400,000 Ahmadi Muslims (a small minority of 0.2% of the population). While Indonesia is a Muslim country, 85% of Indonesians follow Islam. Only six religious denominations are officially recognized in the country's Constitution. Most Indonesians identify more strongly with their nationality and their religion than their religion.



Gamelan refers to an Indonesian traditional orchestra that plays traditional music. The orchestra is mostly composed of percussion instruments but can also include wind instruments and strings. The ensemble also includes dancers. These instruments are usually arranged in a particular pattern on the ground and include three types of double-sided drums and a xylophone.


Batik is an important part Indonesian culture. It has been around for centuries and is known for its rich patterns that reflect the blending different cultures. According to UNESCO, cultural heritage encompasses more than just monuments and artifacts; it includes oral traditions, social practices, and the knowledge of how to make traditional crafts. These cultural assets, which are not tangible, are essential for conserving cultural diversity in the face globalization.


Ramadan is celebrated in Indonesia by Muslims in many different ways. Megibung, a Bali-based ritual to welcome Ramadan, is one example. The word gibung, which translates to "sharing", gave rise to the name. This ritual involves sitting in circle and eating together. This ritual has been practiced in Indonesia for hundreds of years and is still largely intact today.

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Traditional games

One of the most popular traditional games in Indonesia is called Gobak Sodor. It is a team sport that involves players drawing boxes on the ground and walking from one box with one foot. Galah Asin is a regional name for this game. It is still practiced in many ceremonies in Indonesia today.


Indonesian Culture Facts